Pastor Susie Horner

In the name of Jesus Christ, welcome to Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church of Ft Myers, FL, whose members celebrate and share the love of God.

We invite you to celebrate the Good News of Christ with us in worship, fellowship, and service. Explore Christian faith with others who live by and reflect upon the study of God’s Word as revealed in Scripture and tradition. We trust that Christ Jesus will lead you into full and rich discipleship in His name.

Friends and members of our congregation have worked and prayed for the love of our Lord to be with us, and those we can reach around this country and around the world. God has been good, and we delight in the work and worship of Him who sustains us.

We look to the future with joy and anticipation. In keeping with tradition, we will continue to make Wesley Memorial UMC a warm, friendly place of worship; full of understanding and hope. We will continue to worship with abiding faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Regardless of your age, race, ethnic background, or individual life experience, you will find a welcoming community of faith at Wesley Memorial UMC.

As John Wesley said, “If your heart is as my heart, then give me your hand.”  Everyone is welcome here.

In Christ,
Pastor Susie

Our Staff

Diego Davila

Edwina Muir

Phyllis Jackman

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